My name is Carole Henell and this website is dedicated to my own quilt patterns for your enjoyment. I am currently a stay-at-home mother of two and a former first grade teacher. My dear husband is very supportive of my quilting endeavors and purchased my first quilting class as a gift 20 years ago. Although most of my time is spent caring for children, running from one activity to another, I still manage to find time for all things "quilty."
Join us for the 2013 Block of the Month, "Curly Top." New blocks are posted every month.
February 2014 Update: Recovery has been slower than I've expected, with some minor set backs. I have not forgotten about Curly Top, but it will be another month or two before I am able to finish the final installments. Thanks for you patience. It's been a long year.
Wooly wishes,